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  • 巡演影评
  • 剧情介绍

  Joachim 是一个生活在巴黎、事业成功的电视编剧。四十岁生日的临晨,他决定放弃一切——孩子、友人、敌人、爱情与遗憾——去美国从零开始。之后,他带领“新滑稽艳舞团”(New Burlesque )回到故乡进行巡演。艳舞团团员因Joachim 而对法国巴黎充满向往。幽默的表演和脱衣舞娘丰满的身材令男女老少沉迷不已。尽管下榻的旅馆平庸不堪,使用的电梯音乐(musique d’ascenseur )乏善可陈,又缺乏资金,女演员依然营造出了新奇、热情而欢乐的气氛。但是,他们决定在巴黎演出压轴戏,将巡演推向高潮的梦想破裂了:Joachim 的老“朋友”背叛了他,取消了其预定的演戏场所。巴黎之行似乎注定来去匆匆,过去种种伤感的回忆突然被揭开……
  Joachim, a former Parisian television producer had left everything behind - his children, friends, enemies, lovers and regrets to start a new life in America. But he returns with a team of New Burlesque strip-tease performers whom he has filled with romantic dreams of a tour of France, of Paris!
  Traveling from town to town, despite the cheap hotel rooms and lack of money, the curvaceous showgirls invent an extravagant fantasy world of warmth and hedonism that wins an enthusiastic response from men and women alike.
  But their dream of a tour culminating in a last grand show in Paris goes up in smoke when Joachim is betrayed by an old friend and loses the theatre where they were due to perform. An obligatory return journey to the capital violently reopens the old wounds of his past...


  • HD赌神2国语周润发,梁家辉,吴倩莲,邱淑贞,徐锦江,吴兴国,向华强,谢苗,罗家英,张敏,柯受良
  • HD国语满江红沈腾,易烊千玺,张译,雷佳音,岳云鹏,王佳怡,潘斌龙,余皑磊,郭京飞,欧豪,魏翔,张弛,黄炎,许静雅,蒋鹏宇,林博洋,飞凡,任思诺,陈永胜,张壹男
  • HD国语哥,你好马丽,常远,魏翔,贾冰,黄允桐,韩彦博,张一鸣,郝鹏飞,李一宁,李志荟,刘语乔,张佳雯,吕宁,王伟
  • HD银魂日语小栗旬,菅田将晖,桥本环奈,柳乐优弥,新井浩文,吉泽亮,早见明里,室毅,长泽雅美,冈田将生,佐藤二朗,菜菜绪,安田显,中村勘九郎,堂本刚,山田孝之
  • HD国语版独行月球沈腾,马丽,常远,李诚儒,黄才伦,李嘉琦,郝瀚,黄子韬,王成思,高海宝,杨铮,史彭元,张熙然,黄品沅,杨皓宇,徐志胜,杜晓宇,李海银,陶亮,王赞,李唯贺,陈昊明,孟芷旭,赵一霖
  • HD老爸上战场2016凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯,比尔·奈伊,迈克尔·刚本,托比·琼斯,丹尼尔·梅斯,莎拉·兰卡夏尔,马克·加蒂斯,汤姆·康特奈,艾莉森·斯戴曼,比尔·帕特森,安妮特·克罗斯比,布莱克·哈里森,艾米丽·阿塔克,霍莉·登普西,费莉西蒂·蒙塔古


视频更新时间:2023-02-02 21:01
影片演员:Miranda Colclasure,Suzanne Ramsey,Dirty Martini,马修·阿马立克
剧情介绍:马修·阿马立克导演执导的《巡演》,该影片在2010年大陆发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑,由Miranda Colclasure,Suzanne Ramsey,Dirty Martini,马修·阿马立克 等主演的一部不错的电视剧。

  Joachim 是一个生活在巴黎、事业成功的电视编剧。四十岁生日的临晨,他决定放弃一切——孩子、友人、敌人、爱情与遗憾——去美国从零开始。之后,他带领“新滑稽艳舞团”(New Burlesque )回到故乡进行巡演。艳舞团团员因Joachim 而对法国巴黎充满向往。幽默的表演和脱衣舞娘丰满的身材令男女老少沉迷不已。尽管下榻的旅馆平庸不堪,使用的电梯音乐(musique d’ascenseur )乏善可陈,又缺乏资金,女演员依然营造出了新奇、热情而欢乐的气氛。但是,他们决定在巴黎演出压轴戏,将巡演推向高潮的梦想破裂了:Joachim 的老“朋友”背叛了他,取消了其预定的演戏场所。巴黎之行似乎注定来去匆匆,过去种种伤感的回忆突然被揭开……
  Joachim, a former Parisian television producer had left everything behind - his children, friends, enemies, lovers and regrets to start a new life in America. But he returns with a team of New Burlesque strip-tease performers whom he has filled with romantic dreams of a tour of France, of Paris!
  Traveling from town to town, despite the cheap hotel rooms and lack of money, the curvaceous showgirls invent an extravagant fantasy world of warmth and hedonism that wins an enthusiastic response from men and women alike.
  But their dream of a tour culminating in a last grand show in Paris goes up in smoke when Joachim is betrayed by an old friend and loses the theatre where they were due to perform. An obligatory return journey to the capital violently reopens the old wounds of his past...

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